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Why Pre-order “Campaigns” Rarely Work

Pre-order campaigns often fail to predict a book's success because they do not align with current consumer behavior, which favors immediate availability over waiting for a product. Publishers need to rethink their strategies by adopting tactics from other industries, such as product drops, influencer marketing, and direct consumer engagement to create demand and better support authors in promoting their books.

Key reasons why:

  • Unpredictability of Pre-orders
  • Consumers are accustomed to instant gratification and prefer to purchase items when they are readily available
  • Authors are often tasked with driving pre-order sales, which can be challenging without substantial marketing support.
  • Books lack perceived scarcity, which reduces the urgency for pre-orders.

Discussion (1)

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Brandy Sousa

Preorder campaigns for books feel like a shot in the dark.

The biggest issue is that publishers still think they are operating in a pre-Internet world where anticipation alone could drive sales but people want to hit "buy" and have their product delivered ASAP. Unless you're a mega famous most people arent going to pre-order. They just wait until its available and then decide.