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YouTuber files class action suit over OpenAI’s scrape of creators’ transcripts

A YouTube creator, David Millette, has filed a class action lawsuit against OpenAI, alleging that the company used transcripts from YouTube videos to train its AI models without notifying or compensating the creators. The lawsuit, filed in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California, claims OpenAI's actions violated copyright law and YouTube's terms of service. Millette is seeking over $5 million in damages. The case highlights the growing tension over the use of online data for training AI, with many copyright holders disputing the notion of fair use invoked by AI companies.

Discussion (3)

samuraisteph profile image

Have you noticed all the lawsuits flying around the creator economy lately? It seems like every other week there is a new case of creators suing big tech companies over copyright and data use. Its crazy how these platforms and AI companies are using work without asking or paying them

cookinwithmarvin profile image
Marvin Cook

As it should be. I think they were hoping creators wouldn't fight back, or minimally fight back.

kenshin99 profile image

If they learned anything from the ArtStation debacle, they wouldn't of repeated history...