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The Internet Archive Loses Its Appeal of a Major Copyright Case

The court ruling against the Internet Archive in the copyright case reinforces the strict interpretation of copyright law, limiting the scope of the fair use doctrine. It emphasizes that digitizing and lending books without permission does not qualify as a transformative use, underscoring the rights of authors and publishers to control their works and be compensated. This decision could significantly impact digital lending, preservation efforts, and other projects involving copyrighted materials, potentially deterring organizations from undertaking similar initiatives without explicit authorization. The ruling may also influence ongoing and future copyright cases, especially those involving digital and AI technologies.

Discussion (1)

drdeception profile image

The Internet Archive has been a crucial resource for scholars, researchers, and just regular people looking to access information. Its a shame that copyright law is being interpreted so rigidly. How are we supposed to preserve culture and knowledge if every effort is stifled by lawsuits?