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I'm Tired of the "Next Big Thing"

Technology has been advancing rapidly, with various trends like cryptocurrency, NFTs, the Metaverse, Web3/Web5, and Generative AI (GenAI) each promising to revolutionize life but ultimately falling short. The author criticizes these trends as overhyped and driven by a desire to increase stock prices rather than providing real value to customers. Despite initial excitement and substantial investments, these technologies often result in financial losses and disillusionment. The pattern of tech trends failing to deliver on their promises is expected to continue with future fads.

Discussion (2)

imdreaming profile image

It’s crucial to stay critical and not just follow the hype trains blindly. I think as creative people we can protect ourselves from potential pitfalls and build more meaningful connection with our audience than fads.

crissfuture profile image
Criss F • Edited on

I do agree, but what if someone is genuinely interested in a topic that turns out to be surrounded by a hype? I think people should follow their interests regardless.