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Hollywood’s Next Marvel Moment Is Romantasy

Romantasy, a blend of romance and fantasy, is booming in the book market and presents a huge untapped opportunity for Hollywood. However, the male-dominated industry is hesitant to invest, missing out on a genre beloved by women and other marginalized groups.

Key Points:

  • Romantasy novels are surging in popularity, with sales more than doubling at US booksellers since 2020.
  • The genre appeals largely to women, queer individuals, and other marginalized groups, creating a market opportunity that Hollywood has yet to fully embrace.
  • Despite the potential, Hollywood remains hesitant to invest in romantasy due to risk aversion and a lack of understanding of the genre’s appeal.
  • Successful book-to-screen adaptations, such as the "Twilight" series and "True Blood," demonstrate the genre’s viability if approached correctly.
  • There's a growing push for Hollywood to adopt more inclusive storytelling that better represents diverse audiences and creative narratives.
  • The article highlights several popular romantasy titles and discusses their potential for screen adaptation.

Discussion (1)

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Amy Sawyama

I think its more than just a lack of understanding or risk aversion. Hollywood is still dominated by this belief that anything targeting women, especially young women, isn't "serious" or "worthy."

It’s this weird misogynistic undertone. But the success of YA novels and their adaptations, like The Hunger Games or Twilight, clearly shows there is a massive enthusiastic audience.