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Thinking about hashtags

Have you ever thought about how anti-creative hashtags are?

I know that sounds a bit extreme, but let me explain.

You are an artist that creates something, anything, a video, a song, a painting. That perspective is almost uniquely your own but when you upload it online, you are asked to categorize it with hashtags.

Suddenly, this unique creation gets filtered and grouped into predefined boxes. #cyberpunk, #steampunk, #DigitalArt —these tags may be useful for visibility, but they also strip away the nuances that make your work distinctive. By squeezing your creation into a handful of keywords, you risk losing some of the magic that sets it apart.

Think about it: hashtags encourage conformity. Creators end up using the same popular tags just to stay visible, because if they don't, their work might get lost in the digital abyss. This leads to a cycle where originality is subtly discouraged in favor of trend-chasing and algorithm-friendly content.

In a world that values creativity and individuality, it's ironic that the very tools designed to promote our work can sometimes stifle its uniqueness. Hashtags make art searchable, but at what cost to the authenticity of our expression?

Discussion (3)

lefty profile image

Hashtags are like these little prisons for creative work. You are forced to boil down something that might be super complex or layered into a few searchable terms.

when everyone starts using the same tags, like #DigitalArt or #Cyberpunk, it's like a flood of sameness. You might have something totally new, but it’s gonna be swimming in a sea of content that just blends together

blujayz profile image

I dont know if the tags take away the magic of the art itself. They are just tools. Its how you use them that matters. If your art is unique, it will speak for itself no matter what tags you throw on it.

kenshin99 profile image

Most of us end up chasing visibility. We want our work seen, so we end up playing the game. Its like selling a bit of your soul to stay relevant.