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Actors demand action over 'disgusting' explicit video game scenes

Performers in the gaming industry have expressed distress over being asked to work on explicit content, including scenes involving sexual assault, without prior notice.

This lack of transparency is due to a culture of secrecy where scripts are often withheld until the last moment.

Jessica Jefferies, a casting director and former motion capture performer, recounted being asked to act in a graphic rape scene without warning, which she refused.

She, along with the performing arts union Equity, is advocating for better industry practices, including advance notice of explicit scenes, use of intimacy coordinators, and alignment with film and TV standards.

While some progress has been made, the need for improved protections, especially with the rise of AI in gaming, remains a critical issue.

Discussion (3)

imdreaming profile image

It's about time this issue gets the attention it deserves. Video games have evolved into a legitimate art form, and the people who bring these characters to life deserve the same respect as any other performer. Springing graphic content on actors at the last minute is just unacceptable.

kenshin99 profile image

There is a difference between pushing boundaries and blindsiding performers with disturbing content. No one should be coerced into performing in scenes like that without prior consent and preparation. It’s about respect and mental health.

blujayz profile image

And lets not forget that all of this can get much much wilder in a world with AI voice actors. There’s no telling what kind of content might be created without oversight