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Drowning in Slop

AI-generated slop, consisting of low-quality, spam-like content, is flooding the internet and overwhelming platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Spotify, and Kindle with fake stories, books, and images. This content pushes out legitimate human-created work and has even infiltrated scientific papers and library catalogs. A global economy of individuals is using AI tools like ChatGPT to mass-produce content for quick profits, often encouraged by influencers promoting get-rich-quick schemes. The flood of this content erodes the quality of online information, making it difficult for users to trust or find valuable material, and despite efforts to filter it, the problem keeps growing.

No paywall: https://archive.li/vWLQt

Discussion (1)

crissfuture profile image
Criss F

The internet is literally turning into a landfill of AI-generated garbage :/

You can’t even scroll through Twitter without seeing a hundred low effort "inspirational" posts that all sound like they were spit out by the same bot. Its all about farming clicks or gaming algorithms. What really gets me is that people buy into it...