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People Aren’t Posting: What happens when people revolt against social media just becoming media?

People are posting less on social media as platforms shift from being spaces for personal connection to becoming more like entertainment hubs. This change is driven by the platforms' need to scale for data collection and advertising, which clashes with users' natural inclination to maintain smaller, more intimate social circles. The democratization of content creation has led to an overwhelming amount of content, but only a small percentage gets noticed, reinforcing a power law where a few dominate and most are overlooked. As a result, users feel more disconnected, with social media often contributing to loneliness and anxiety, especially among younger people. The future of social media may lie in fostering smaller, more meaningful interactions within larger platforms, balancing user needs with the demands of advertisers.

Discussion (3)

cookinwithmarvin profile image
Marvin Cook

Its funny because these platforms were originally designed to bring us closer, but now they just make me feel more alone. Every time I scroll through IG, im bombarded with ads, influencers, and people I dont even know, and it feels like the actual social part of social media is gone. Maybe the solution is to ditch the big platforms and go back to smaller, niche communities where we can actually have meaningful interactions.

kenshin99 profile image

Yeah, until they get bought out or just become echo chambers. It’s hard to find a balance. Good moderation is key, but requires people to do the work. Thanks cbx team for all your work here.

drdeception profile image

Social is now just a massive ad machine. The more data they collect, the more they can tailor ads, which means our personal connections get buried under a mountain of sponsored content

plus the pressure to create content that "performs well" is exhausting. No wonder people are stepping back.