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Instagram limits political content

Just one day before the first presidential debate of 2024, Meta changed users' settings on Instagram to automatically limit the amount of political content they can see. This update, which restricts political content every time users exit the app, was rolled out in the past 48 hours. Meta's spokesperson stated that this change was an error and is being fixed. Instagram had previously required users to opt-in to see political content from accounts they don't follow, a move that faced criticism from political creators. This recent update further indicates Meta's ongoing effort to deprioritize political content on its platforms.

Discussion (2)

messo profile image

I kind of understand this position. Politics on social media always devolves into toxicity and polarization.

kenshin99 profile image

If I was into the subject, I would hope that I could find what I’m looking for and it gets served to me. I can understand pruning subjects that are polarizing by nature.