Marvin Cook
Marvin Cook

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DrDisrespect responds to Twitch Ban

In a blunt and emotional statement, DrDisrespect addresses his Twitch ban, taking responsibility for his actions while defending his character. He apologizes to his community, team, and the Midnight Society Game Studio, acknowledging the harm caused. The ban stems from inappropriate messages exchanged with a minor in 2017, which he claims were not criminal but inappropriate. He emphasizes his regret and responsibility as an adult and family man. While condemning social media labels of being a predator, he clarifies his stance against such behavior. He expresses gratitude to his supporters and announces a temporary break with plans to return.

Discussion (3)

messo profile image

His hubris is showing.

He truly believes that his audience will stick with him. I'm torn. I think he will retain a large amount of his audience, who doesn't care or will give him the benefit of the doubt. I get reminded of the likes of Kanye, Kevin Spacey, Chris Brown, etc who have all somewhat survived their crazy and illegal activities.

crissfuture profile image
Criss F

Brother Euuughhh

Why, just why. He had so much success, why throw it all away by entertaining a twitch whisper from a minor..

maven64 profile image

I’m not sure why he even felt the need to write this, on Twitter of all places which is known as the hater epicenter of the internet.