Brandy Sousa
Brandy Sousa

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Gen Z’s loneliness crisis may be changing entertainment tastes

Gen Z’s loneliness crisis is influencing their entertainment preferences, with a growing preference for media that highlights platonic friendships over romantic relationships. Studies, including one from UCLA, show that this generation values authentic, relatable content that reflects their experiences. As a result, Hollywood is adjusting its strategies to cater to these changing tastes, emphasizing friendship-driven narratives and authentic connections in TV shows, films, and podcasts. This shift presents new opportunities for studios, agencies, and advertisers to engage with younger audiences by focusing on the importance of friendship.

Discussion (2)

cherri profile image

Personally, the romance arcs are just getting a bit stale, so it's not surprising that media will adopt to change. I think we just crave new relationship types other than 'hero falls in love with woman/man and ends up together'

messo profile image

yeap exactly. I think this is partially why "The Last of Us" had such a great storyline. It was a completely platonic relationship between an older man and younger woman, and they ended up have a father-daughter style friendship. It was very refreshing.