Amy Sawyama
Amy Sawyama

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The ways people hear about big news these days is “into a million pieces”

Massive political news broke on Sunday, July 21, 2024, when Joe Biden tweeted that he would not run for reelection. The announcement reached people through various channels, including breaking-news emails, social media notifications, and public announcements. Sources like Axios, The New York Times, and CNBC were among the first to send out alerts. People heard the news from lifeguards, live TV, tweets, text messages, radio, and even during casual activities like gym sessions, games, and public events. This variety showcases the fragmented nature of modern news dissemination.

Discussion (2)

blujayz profile image

Information is both overwhelming and EVERYWHERE.

I only hear bits and pieces and over time connect all the dots. Eg. I'll hear the headline from a friend or twitter, then later someone will mention some detail and I'll search it up on reddit or some news outlet, and then later i'll come across a tiktok/real/short with more opinions and information.

imdreaming profile image

There is a lot of noise out there, it’s hard to cut through it all. I find myself having to seek reputable communities for anything worth checking in to (thanks cbx 💜) otherwise you risk a ton of misinformation and just generally low quality stuff.