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How much are social media accounts worth?

Definitely read the entire article, but here are some interesting stats as you grow your social accounts taken from the report:

YouTube channel valuations
YouTube has the highest asking prices (as well as the highest price per 1,000 followers).

Median audience size: 27,900
Median asking price: $1,000
Median asking price per 1k followers: $31.78

Instagram account valuations
Instagram accounts are lower across the board. The fact that the median audience size is half of YouTube’s shows that Instagram accounts attempt to sell earlier.

Median audience size: 14,800
Median asking price: $250
Median asking price per 1k followers: $15.96

TikTok account valuations
TikTok accounts are bottom of the barrel: An account with 100k followers can reasonably expect to sell for just $1,100

Median audience size: 44,200
Median asking price: $550
Median asking price per 1k followers: $11.11

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