Netflix and Amazon are offering new incentives to attract top filmmaking talent and keep them committed to their platforms.
The main incentives for filmmakers include:
Theatrical Release Opportunities: Streamers like Netflix and Amazon are offering to debut films in theaters with exclusive windows before they become available for streaming. This approach provides filmmakers with the chance to maximize box office impact.
Performance-Based Compensation: Amazon proposed a pay-per-stream residual model, where filmmakers earn higher rates for viewers who sign up specifically to watch their movie, and lower rates for general subscribers. This could lead to substantial financial rewards if the film drives significant new subscriptions.
Significant Marketing Budgets: To attract top projects, streamers and studios are offering large marketing spends to ensure the films are heavily promoted and reach a wide audience.
Discussion (2)
Im here for it if it means better movies. But most streaming services have prioritized quantity over quality.
Good point but with new pay per stream model, they could encourage projects that drive new subscribers. That might actually lead to higher quality content.