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Jenny Hoyos Short-Form Video Playbook

Jenny Hoyos has become a leader in short-form video content with 3 million subscribers and an average of 10 million views per YouTube Short. Her success is attributed to a structured approach to creating viral content, which includes:

  1. Crafting a Strong Hook:

    • The first few seconds are crucial.
    • Hooks should be concise (under 3 seconds), visually appealing, and use power words to grab attention.
  2. Maintaining Viewer Interest:

    • Use foreshadowing to set expectations and keep viewers engaged.
    • Employ transitions to move the story forward smoothly.
    • The "but/then" technique adds suspense.
  3. Enhancing Rewatchability:

    • End with a strong, memorable moment that evokes strong emotions, leaving viewers satisfied and likely to rewatch or share the video.

Discussion (1)

lesliewylde profile image

This seems like a good format for her and there are some pretty good takeaways. Doesn't seem like all short form will boil down to this format, and especially if you are doing different styles of content or have different motives.