Brandy Sousa
Brandy Sousa

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TikTok Launches New Image Sharing App Called “Whee”

TikTok has launched a new image-sharing app called Whee, designed for sharing photos only with friends, emphasizing authentic, spontaneous moments. This follows the release of two other similar apps: Notes, which focuses on broader, public photo sharing, and Lemon8, which is centered on product promotions. Whee aims for private, friend-centric sharing, possibly providing insights for TikTok's ad targeting. Despite the crowded market with competitors like Instagram and Snapchat, TikTok is experimenting with these apps, potentially influenced by successful Chinese platforms like Xiaohongshu.

Discussion (2)

firesquid profile image
Jeremy Beckler

I will likely be skipping this one. I tried Lemon8 as well, and it wasn't for me.

samuraisteph profile image

I'd be willing to at least see how they did it and try it. I couldn't manage to find it in the app store yet though, so I gave up.