Discussion on: I’m a TikTok creator. A US ban on the app is an attack on ideas and hope

slipperyshrimp profile image

Some of these are true, but with all due respect, I think it’s easiest to compare Tiktok with alternatives, like IG reels. Is there any reason why any of this would not be possible on Instagram?

Genuinely asking, not trying to make a point. Because to me most of these can be duplicated on another platform.

brandysousa profile image
Brandy Sousa

It can be duplicated, but it’s a totally new graph with new rules. The people who have foundations on tiktok will essentially be starting from scratch, and audiences don’t move well.

The comparison is fair, both ways. If we want to state threats of Tiktok, those same concerns could be hoisted into any platform. The criticisms go both ways.