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TikTok tests 60-minute video uploads as it continues to take on YouTube

TikTok is testing a feature allowing users to upload 60-minute videos, currently limited to select users in specific markets. Initially, TikTok's format focused on 15-second videos, but it has gradually increased this limit, now testing long-form content to compete more directly with YouTube. The longer video format caters to creators who need more time for various content types, such as tutorials and educational lessons. This shift might attract YouTube creators to TikTok and enable new content forms, like full TV show episodes, without breaking them into parts. While the broader release of this feature is uncertain, TikTok is enhancing the viewing experience with features like horizontal full-screen mode and video-scrubbing thumbnails.

Discussion (1)

lefty profile image

I think it's a good idea. It's better than trying to hunt down part 2, 3, 4, 5 of a video in order.