Discussion on: I am a creative.

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So much relatable stuff in this write up. I swear most of us don’t even verbalize or notice how much of these themes consume our mind until reading something like this.

Creatives belittle our own small achievements, because we compare them to those of the great ones. Beautiful animation! Well, I’m no Miyazaki. Now THAT is greatness. That is greatness straight from the mind of God. This half-starved little thing that I made?

Sometimes I feel like it’s almost a no-no to boast your own creation. I find that it’s a humongous turn off in our community. I suspect is has to do with the impression that someone has creative mastery. As if they somehow are the ones who cracked it, or they are genius enough to always have a fresh idea/concept. Having worked on creative projects and knowing how difficult it is to work through a project, we feel a turn off to anyone who claims they are completely on top of it.

That said, I think it’s important for people to feel proud of bringing a project to completion. A nuanced difference.