Discussion on: Watcher, known for their Ghost Hunting and Mystery Files are moving to streaming

drdeception profile image

It's their choice, who are we to judge what model make sense for their business? People assume content needs to be free and that's the only fair way to show stuff, but that's a totally trash take, and only a standard set for people who start on youtube. No one is complaining that they have to pay to watch 'Love is Blind' or 'Fallout'.

brandysousa profile image
Brandy Sousa

The fans are mad because they had it for free this entire time, and once something that was free gets put behind a paywall then the pitchforks come out. But getting mad at the creators and saying they are getting "greedy" is not the move. These are small time creators trying to level up their game, and they think this is the right way to do it. I wish them luck.