Discussion on: What makes human art

cookinwithmarvin profile image
Marvin Cook

Potentially controversial take: maybe its good if AI takes over some art jobs. It could force us to reevaluate what we consider art and push us into more experimental or conceptual territory. If AI is doing all the “commercial” art, maybe humans will explore art that’s more personal

brandysousa profile image
Brandy Sousa

That may be true philosophically speaking, but people have spent a lifetime perfecting crafts/techniques that are now commodified by a robot, thereby displacing them in the job market. So if you ask the question "did AI make the artists lives better", the answer is a bit nuanced depending on the criteria. From a financial perspective it definitely disrupted their ability to make a living on something they sunk a bunch of time into because the market is now flooded with cheap imitations that require no human touch.