Discussion on: Audience building: how long can you keep up the charade?

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Amy Sawyama

I think of content much like this
Content VenDiagram

Optimizing for Audience, Creativity, or Money can pull your content in different directions. While the center says "Ideal", it only means that in the sense of this graph assuming all three are important to you.

What I found that's challenging is usually we as creators start with Creativity, and then slowly we think we need to change certain thing to increase our optimization towards audience or money. We then start to build resentment, grow bored, or feel less creatively fulfilled.

Like OP mentions, you choose what your goals are, and maybe audience growth or money aren't the goal - perhaps only a lucky byproduct.

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To further illustrate the Money-Creativity only one (because I struggled with it at first): this can be an NFT, a physical good sold in a shop, or the relationship between you and your employer (such as when they give you a creative task to do, but you can't claim it as yours publicly).