Discussion on: Millions work as content creators. In official records, they barely exist.

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Amy Sawyama

The creator economy is so large and diverse it’s hard to even define. I really like Jim Louderbacks’ way of describing it:

But the irony here is that the creator economy is so amorphous that it’s hard to pin down.

Yes, it’s Youtubers and TikTokers scratching out a living on AdSense and brand deals.

But it’s also LinkedIn creators building their personal brand and translating awareness and trust into consulting and advising – or better full-time jobs. B2B media reborn!

🔻It’s video game players that share their streams – in many ways the sports stars of our time.

🔻It’s utility creators who teach you how to unblock your toilet or paint your house – or Home Depot’s DIY workshops but in the comfort of your own phone.

🔻It’s famous kids playing with toys – or this era’s Spongebob or Captain Kangaroo.

🔻It’s storytellers that create elaborate narratives that keep millions engaged for 22 minutes (or more).

🔻It’s slice-of-life creators, documenting the real world.

🔻It’s celebrities chowing down Hellfire Hot Sauce while baring their soul –the modern version of “The Tonight Show”.

🔻It’s unboxers, revealing and reveling in the lastest from Apple, Samsung and Sony – today’s PC Magazine.

In short, it’s media. Pure and Simple.

Source: linkedin.com/posts/jlouderb_litren...

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And this list barely scratches the surface, I can imagine so many more personas that could be considered part of the creator of economy, at a certain point it almost feels like it will be the majority of media and entertainment, it’s only a matter of time.