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Video lighting: Everything you need to know

A comprehensive guide to video lighting (with illustrations), crucial for enhancing video production quality.

Key points include:

1. Choosing Lights:
Factors include light source, color temperature, intensity, and physical specifications. Consistent color temperature and appropriate light placement are essential.

2. Types of Artificial Lights:
Key Light: Main light source, typically bright and powerful.
Fill Light: Eliminates shadows created by the key light.
Back Light: Enhances the subject's outline, reducing shadows.
Ring Light: Ideal for solo use, provides even lighting.

3. Lighting Schemes:
Three-point Lighting: Uses key, fill, and back lights.
Two Lights: Employs a bounce card or natural light for fill.
Four Lights: Adds a background light.
Loop Lighting: Combines key and fill lights for professional setups.
One Light: Often a ring light for simplicity.

4. Natural Light:
Best when controllable; position yourself in front of or beside a window for optimal results.

5. Outdoor Lighting:
Utilize ND filters and reflectors to manage harsh sunlight, and aim for early morning or late afternoon shoots.

Discussion (2)

messo profile image

I’ve always struggled with getting my video lighting right, but I think there are a few MINOR tweaks most people can do to make their video look 10X better.

I only have 1 light and make sure to center it on my face behind the camera, before it was off to the side and it looked horrible (which I thought was the right thing to do). That small adjustment made my videos look soooo much better.

lesliewylde profile image

My room is hard to work with, it has a window right behind me and so as the sun moves I would get really weird lighting. I ended up using black out curtains and controlling the light completely with 2 softbox lights. Saved me so many headaches.