Amy Sawyama
Amy Sawyama

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Canva says its new AI features justify raising subscription prices by 300%

Canva, a popular design platform, is raising prices for its "Teams" subscription plan by up to 300%, citing the addition of new AI-powered features as the reason for the increase. The Teams plan allows multiple users to collaborate on designs simultaneously. In the U.S., the subscription price will rise from $119.99 to $500 per year, with a discounted rate of $300 for the first 12 months. The price increase is even higher in Australia, with a 400% jump for a team of five. The new pricing reflects enhancements in collaboration, brand management, and AI features, particularly through Canva’s Magic Studio, which offers AI-generated images, videos, and more. While some users find the price increase prohibitive, others believe the value provided by the new features justifies the cost. Canva continues to offer several pricing tiers, including a free option and the unchanged "Pro" plan. The company has not yet commented on a potential IPO.

No paywall: https://archive.is/2024.09.03-192225/https://fortune.com/2024/09/03/canva-hiking-teams-subscription-prices-ai-features/

Discussion (1)

cherri profile image

$500 per year?! That’s insane! I get they added some new AI features, but tripling the price? That seems like a classic cash grab to me. There are so many other design tools out there that cost way less and offer just as much, if not more.